Emyn Muil: Tales from Tolkien
Citadelians, goblins, elves, and hobbits of all sizes, welcome to an interview that's sure to be more epic than Frodo's journey to Mordor! Today, we have the distinct pleasure of sitting down with the atmospheric wizard behind Emyn Muil. Now, if you're not familiar with the band, don't worry. We won't make you recite the Elvish alphabet backwards or answer riddles in the dark to prove your fandom. Whether you're a hardcore Tolkien fan or just someone who enjoys a good musical adventure, you're in for a treat, as mastermind Nartum is known for turning Tolkien's masterpieces into musical magic. So, grab your lembas bread, pour yourself a pint of mead (or a spot of tea, if you're feeling more Bilbo than Boromir), and join us as we delve into the enchanted realms of Emyn Muil. It's going to be an interview worthy of the Shire's finest gossip!
Emyn Muil - Afar Angathfark (deluxe LP set)
Ciao Nartum! Welcome to the Citadel. How are you doing? How is life in Forlì?
Hello people of Citadel! My life in Forlì has just begun since I recently bought a house, and it's keeping me very busy! But it was one of the many goals I had in life, and having finally achieved it makes me proud and better predisposed for future projects!
You said you do your own art, and have learned many skills through education and work. Can you tell us a bit more about the layout and design of this stunning double LP.
Yes, exactly, I attended advertising graphics and fine arts schools, and I currently work as a graphic designer. When I create the graphics for my projects, I always have in mind the style of medieval miniatures and glass art typical of cathedrals; they are my source of inspiration and give that touch of epicness, characteristic of Anglo-Saxon mythology and English culture, which I think is particularly suitable for Tolkien's works.
You’ve done your own handmade releases before too for Túrin Turambar Dagnir Glaurunga! What was the reason for that and what did they look like - are the liner notes written in Orc blood? And where can we get one of these handmade albums?!
Yes, the main reason was wanting to create something entirely my own from start to finish, from musical composition to the realization of the actual object, to give it a unique connotation. Also, I consider the digipak much more precious than the jewel case (which would have been infinitely easier to make). Unfortunately, there is no orc blood, but there's plenty of my own sweat! I had my big sheet of black cardboard, and with a lot of patience, I cut out each layout, folded it, printed the covers, laminated them, and glued them together, along with the CD tray. Each copy took me about 1 hour of work, which is why I made only 20 or 25 copies, all distributed. I have no idea where they might be now, perhaps on Discogs...? Although they were quite fragile, they have a significant intrinsic value because they were indeed made by the artist himself. Those who still have a copy would do well to keep it!
You mentioned in a previous interview you have some difficulty writing lyrics? Can you shed some light on that?
Yes, it's true. Usually, it's easier to write the lyrics first and then adapt them to a musical base. I do the exact opposite: I write the music first and then really struggle to fit the lyrics with the exact rhythms I have in mind. But in the end, I always manage to pull it off, one way or another!
Nartum before putting on the Ring
Your projects are very personal and introspective, but if you were to hypothetically play an Emyn Muil live show with no limits on money or location, how would this look like? Maybe it’s a Pink Floyd thing in Pompeii where you play in a totally empty amphitheater! Or you get the Italian Philarmonic on board.
Ahaha, that would be a dream! I often think about what an Emyn Muil show could be like, and I definitely don't see myself in a classic metal festival with people moshing. I see myself much more in an amphitheater or an abandoned castle in the middle of nature, setting up the show like a sort of sequential tale, staged with scenery and animated sequences in the background, preferably with an accompanying orchestra.
What has been the most memorable or impactful interaction you've had with a fan?
There have been many, and honestly I can't select one in particular. I've received several messages from people thanking me for helping them get through difficult moments in their lives through music, and for me, that's a source of great pride. When you know that your music reaches people's hearts, you know you've done a good job.
If you could recommend us just ONE underground Italian band, who would it be? My comrade Chernoglav says Frozen Crown but he doesn’t know anything!
Ahahaha no, power metal definitely is not one of my favorite genre, but the Italian project Nazgûl is a good example of symphonic epic black metal we have!
What’s an instrument like to include more in any of your projects?
Uhm, that's a tough question. I definitely want to experiment with some more synths, but it always depends on the basic concept of the album, what I want to convey, and how. However, I don't limit myself if I know it will help communicate what I have in mind better.
As people of many ideas (our Heavy Metal Citadel empire includes a podcast, website, T-shirts, and hot sauce), what’s your advice on how you choose which projects to devote your energy to?
My advice is to choose projects that manage to take you away from the world, look inside yourself, and sometimes define who you are. These bands probably won't be many.
What’s next for you, and specifically Emyn Muil?
I'm still in the concept phase. I'm caught up in other thoughts now and don't have enough mental energy to start composing, but there will definitely be news in the future! Also, because I've already signed a renewal with Northern Silence Productions for another three albums.
Rapid Fire! Please pick one answer:
- Books - Silmarillion OR The Hobbit? Silmarillion, of course
- Ok nefna tysvar Ty OR Heralding - The Fireblade? All albums, Falkenbach is a god, sorry! :P
- Tekken OR Street Fighter? Tekken… 3!
- Echoes of Battle OR Oathbound? Oathbound, obvious answer
- Empire Strikes Back OR A New Hope? A New Hope, but all films from episode 1 to 6 are ok, about the final episodes… no comment!
Any final words for our readers?
This was the funniest interview ever! Thank you!
Thanks to Nartum for paying us a visit and chatting, go forth and listen. You shall not pass!… before visiting Nartum and Emyn Muil over on Bandcamp.