Album Review: Hellripper - Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags

Horns up, Citadelians! It's been a while, but we've finally got around to reviewing Hellripper's latest hellfire storm of an album, Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags, and it's nothing short of a malevolent marvel! If you haven't heard of Hellripper, this one-man heathen has played alongside Midnight, Vader, Carcass, Warbringer, Spectral Wound, and many more.

Having crushed Bloodfest 2019, Pitfest in 2022, Incineration Fest 2022, and Obscene Extreme 2023, Hellripper is an unstoppable force, and this album speaks to that. Like a dark enchantment woven by occultists of old, this opus casts a spell that mesmerises from the very first note.

James McBain, Scottish national treasure that Chort and I love to annoyingly message on Instagram and have interviewed previously, is the mastermind behind Hellripper. He has taken a fearless leap forward, elevating the his blackened speed metal roots to unimaginable heights. If you thought his previous work was already solid, brace yourselves because this is a complete game-changer!

The subject matter of the album ranges from ancient maritime horrors of Scottish folklore, themes of deception, embracing darkness, and the corruption of one's soul in pursuit of forbidden knowledge and power, to tales of dark rituals, devil worship, and the embrace of evil forces, and OH SO MUCH MORE!.

From the opening track, "The Nuckelavee" you’re assaulted by wicked black/speed metal riffing intertwined with devilish rock 'n' roll vibes. Hellripper's trademark harsh vocals and speed metal drums will have you headbanging with infernal fervour. Here's the kicker; the vocals are even better! MORE BLACKENED, MORE HARSH, MORE GNARLY, BRAH! The track "I, The Deceiver" cranks up the intensity with blistering double-bass drumming that'll leave you breathless; it's truly a testament to the improvement of Hellripper, as this album takes things to new heights.

But hold onto your horns, for the title track, "Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags", beckons you into a haunting realm of slow, melodic riffs, clean acoustic interludes, and emotive performances. Bagpipes add a touch of the ethereal (these aren't your nana's bagpipes, though), while mid-tempo drumming unleashes a powerful and emotional onslaught.

"The Cursed Carrion Crown" stands as a pinnacle of this album's brilliance, boasting wild and intense speed metal riffing, Maiden-esque melodies, and a piercing high-pitched scream that'll send shivers down your spine. Adding blast beats and double-bass drumming elevates this track to demonic levels of frenzy. I was frothing at the mouth with this one!

Let's not forget the outstanding sound production, where the guitar roars with power, every riff and solo pierces through the darkness, and the drums relentlessly drive the infernal rhythm. Hellripper's vocals strike a perfect balance, adding to the overall haunting aura. This is a cleaner, more polished album, so it might not be for raw black heathens who like to lurk amongst the shadows. But I dare you to play the album and honestly tell me it doesn't rip you a new bunghole!

"Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags" defies expectations and rises like delicious cream, and the best cream always rises to the top (nothing sexual). With devilish charm, he blends elements of 1st and 2nd wave black metal, tremolos, blast beats, speed metal tempos, and even some NWOBHM melodies, it really has something for everyone. This concoction of potions births an album that mesmerises and surprises at every turn, like that little bastard from The Omen.

James majestically contemplates warlocks and withered hags.

James has definitely set this album to 11, and you can hear the ambition and inventiveness in the songs themselves. Ambition is good, although sometimes bands get overly focused on creating something too different and lose their essence in the process. This is not the case with Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags.

This album's rollercoaster ride of emotions makes it a compelling journey through the darkest recesses of Blackened Speed! What's more many have said this is "Midnight with more guitar solos", but this album has more thought, melody, dynamism, and technicality that it clearly sets itself apart from Midnight and similar acts.

Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags is an exceptional masterpiece, a journey that leaves no room for fillers or average moments. Hellripper's sheer dedication and innovation make this album a standout release of 2023 and a gift to all old-school maniacs seeking something beyond the ordinary. Prepare to be spellbound, for Hellripper has risen stronger than ever before, and this album is an incantation of pure black metal brilliance! We love you Jaaaaames! You majestic fucking sunset! ALL HAIL THE GOAT!


Buy Hellripper: Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags

Written by: Chernoglav The Hero With The Silver Moustache

Sporting more than just a moustache under his hood, Chernoglav loves underground Metal, but also listens to a dynamic range of other sub-genres like Power. He’s also never had a moustache.

Chernoglav The Hero With The Silver Moustache

Sporting more than just a moustache under his hood, Chernoglav loves underground Metal, but also listens to a dynamic range of other sub-genres like Power. He’s also never had a moustache.


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