Album Review: Cavalera - Morbid Visions & Bestial Devastation

Cavalera: Morbid Visions

The legends are back, no, not Chort the Crop Infestor and Chernoglav the Hero with the Silver Moustache from the famous Heavy Metal Citadel; I'm talking the Cavalera brothers! If you haven't heard, prepare for a wicked journey back to the dawn of extreme chaos as the mighty Max and Iggor Cavalera unleash their re-recordings of Sepultura's iconic E.P. "Bestial Devastation" and their legendary debut full-length album "Morbid Visions." Under their new moniker, Cavalera (original and totally unexpected if you ask me), these lords of metal resurrect the raw and timeless spirit of the past with the ferocious sound of the present. Get ready to descend into the depths of chaotic orgasms, my fellow Citadelians!

The journey begins with "Bestial Devastation," where Possessor and Skullcrusher (oh, those hilarious names) transport us back in time. With a fresher mix, the influences shaping the early extreme metal sound come to life. The title track, Morbid Visions, unleashes the diabolical essence of early Sepultura that made me reminisce about when I was barely a sperm, as it came out while I was still a newt in a ball-sack back in '86.

The sound is punchier and still holds the true spirit of the original, except it doesn't sound quite like the cassette tape original. I must admit it's been a while since I listened to "Mayhem" that I forgot how epic the shredding is and that the tempo changes were perfect for keeping my six-year-olds attention span, but boy did the Cavalera brothers remind me!

While I loved the slightly out-of-tuned guitars in the original Bestial Devastation and Morbid Visions, the riffs in these re-records come through much clearer and make it that much more epic. That frenzied fucking riff right before "THERE IS NO RETURN, NO ESCAPE. IN THE EVIL REFUGE YOU ARE SLAVES!" slammed so fucking hard and made me miss the old days of Sepultura when they were still learning English and had to translate all their lyrics from Portuguese, but who am I to talk, I’m still using Duolingo to order a pint in Brazil...

"Antichrist" delivers breakneck thrash madness. And let's not forget the hardcore punk vibes reminiscent of Black Flag and S.O.D. in "Necromancer." As a bonus treat, they've included the previously unreleased track "Sexta Feira 13" to complete the infernal ritual.

Cavalera: Bestial Devastation

As we delve deeper into the abyss, "Morbid Visions" engulfs us with its newfound power. Max's admission of neglecting guitar tuning during the original recording has been rectified, resulting in a dynamite explosion of sound. The tracks like "Troops of Doom" and "Crucifixion" burst forth with the unmistakable vitriol and the crispness of the production allows for an even greater impact, showcasing the evolution of their signature groove.

This album marks the moment when the band's extreme metal roots intertwine with their emerging groove, creating a unique and powerful onslaught. Overall, The sound is not overly processed or clean; they've kept the "in my mom's basement" feel that we love so much! The production is also quite excellent. The classic Sepultura sound remains, so even the Coke bottle toms are maintained in these re-records!

Morre Vânia Cavalera: REST IN POWER!

The Cavalera brothers, Metal royalty without question, have resurrected two pieces of their history with remarkable success. Where once these records stumbled, now they run free, leaving no prisoners and no trace of survivors. Re-recordings are a risky endeavour, like trying to cook a burrito in the microwave, stoned at 1 am while your parents are asleep and you have to be at school the next morning, but when they succeed like this, it's a joy to behold.

The aggression, chaos, and unbridled power of these classic releases have been unleashed upon the world once more, reasserting the Cavalera legacy. It seems quite suitable we should reminisce and celebrate these giants as, for those of you who don’t know, the Cavalera brothers recently lost their matriarch, Morre Vânia Cavalera, who was an epic mother and woman. She even took the photos for the back of “Bestial Devisation" which shows what excellent taste she had and her love for her boys. Rest in power Morre Vânia Cavalera!

Don’t forget to support and get your copy of the re-releases below!

Bestial Devastation - Cavelera

Morbid Visions - Cavelera

Written by: Chort the Crop Infestor

“Hi, I’m Chort I infest crops and listen to Black Metal. I’ve currently invested most of my life savings into tracking down the REAL Nattramn and telling him how much I love his voice.”

Chort The Crop Infestor

Hi, I’m Chort I infest crops and listen to Black Metal. I’ve currently invested most of my life savings into tracking down the REAL Nattramn and telling him how much I love his voice.


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