Singles Review: The Sun’s Journey Through The Night

The Sun’s Journey Through The Night - Wordless, Voidwalker

Hear ye, disciples of darkness! Gather 'round, for The Heavy Metal Citadel unveils a monumental offering from the twisted depths of England's one-man black metal juggernaut, The Sun's Journey Through The Night. The Sun's Journey Through The Night is the brainchild of a solitary enigma, a lone figure who forges these sinister hymns in the heart of England. His isolation fuels the fire of his creativity, channeling the very essence of black metal's solitude and desolation. With every stroke of his unholy instrument, he paints a vivid canvas of darkness, drenched in the blood of his enemies. Brace yourselves, as we dissect two of the latest tracks from the upcoming album Wordless: Wordless and Voidwalker. If they are an indication for what our putrid souls are in for with the rest of the album this should be a real damn treat!

As the haunting strains of Voidwalker weave their way through the ether, a sense of brooding malevolence engulfs the atmosphere. Slow and ominous, it lures you into its blackened grasp. Suddenly, screeching vocals erupt, tearing through the night like a frenzied banshee. Heavy drumming and sick guitar riffs unleash a tempestuous storm that consumes the senses. Amidst the chaos, a glimmer of melody emerges, entwining with the darkness and leaving an indelible mark upon the soul. Prepare, brethren and sisteren, for a journey where dissonance reigns supreme, where the very fabric of reality fractures and implodes in a cacophony of blackened majesty. This track is exceptional, from the tight guitar work to the brutal drumming it’s just a shame it’s not longer!

Now, let us turn our gaze to Wordless, a track that delves even deeper into the abyss. Darker and more foreboding, it oozes with a malevolent energy that seeps into your very core. Blast beats ravage the soundscape, relentless in their assault. Brilliant riffs punctuate the air, a symphony of darkness that ensnares the senses. Transitions are executed flawlessly, each shift in tone and tempo invoking a sense of impending doom. But behold, dear brethren, the drum work! Exceptional in its execution, the double bass pedals unleash a fury as if the gates of Hell themselves have been thrown wide open. And when the time is ripe, an epic solo descends upon us, its searing notes invoking a primal urge to crush skulls and defy the heavens, nay spit on the heavens! In this moment, we stand united, bound by the unholy power of music.

"The Sun's Journey Through the Night" presents a ritualistic tapestry of sound, where darkness reigns supreme and the blackened flame burns brighter than ever before. Surrender yourself to the abyss, embrace the chaos that unfolds, and allow the malevolent melodies of Wordless and Voidwalker to consume your soul. This is black metal at its most merciless, leaving no survivors in its wake. Join the journey, for the night is eternal, and the echoes of these infernal compositions shall resonate within your twisted selves.

May the void guide your path and the infernal riffs pierce through your very being as we delve ever deeper into the abyss, where black metal reigns supreme. Hail the darkness, brethren and sisteren, for we are but mere vessels in this grand symphony of torment and transcendence!

Enter the Realm of Metal Malevolence! Embrace The Heavy Metal Citadel and let the sinister melodies of The Sun’s Journey Through The Night consume your soul by clicking here! ALL HAILS!

Written by: Chort the Crop Investor

“Hi, I’m Chort I infest crops and listen to Black Metal. I’ve currently invested most of my life savings into tracking down the REAL Nattramn and telling him how much I love his voice.”

Chort The Crop Infestor

Hi, I’m Chort I infest crops and listen to Black Metal. I’ve currently invested most of my life savings into tracking down the REAL Nattramn and telling him how much I love his voice.


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